Hi, my name is Jingyou (Rose) Rao, and I’m currently a Computer Science PhD student at University of California, Los Angeles working with Harold Pimentel. I’m interested in the study of gene functions and interactions through statistics and machine learning. Currently, I develop Bayesian models for deep mutational scanning data to investigate the genotype-phenotype relationships.

Previously, I completed my bachelor’s degree programs in Computer Science and Computational and Systems Biology at University of California, Los Angeles.

Recent News

  • [November 2022] Advancement to candidacy for the doctoral degree.



  1. J. Rao, H. Pimentel: “Computational approaches for inferring gene regulation in in situ perturbation screens” Biological Data Science, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA (November, 2022; Talk)

  2. J. Rao, N. Mancuso, H. Pimentel: “Quantifying uncertainty in estimation of isoform expression heritability” Genome Informatics, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA (November, 2021; Poster presentation)

  3. J. Rao, K. Burch, H. Pimentel: “Quantifying uncertainty in heritability estimation with small sample sizes” Bruins-In-Genomics Summer, UCLA, USA (August, 2020; Oral presentation)